Het Limburgs Oratoriumkoor gebruikt editie 1.
Bij de oefenfiles kun je deze verschillen ook tegenkomen.
De partituren en de oefenfiles van deze twee edities verschillen op de volgende onderdelen:
Introït et Kyrie
All voices, measure 6: the duration of notes is 4/4 in Edition 1, while in Edition 2 it is 3/4 followed by a 1/4 rest.
Soprano, measure 49: the duration of note D is 1/2 in Edition 1, while it is 3/4 in Edition. 2. The duration of the rest until the end of the measure changes accordingly.
Alto, measure 51, beat 1-3: there are two A notes (1/4 + 1/2) in Edition 1, while they are F in Edition 2 (duration unchanged).
Tenor, measure 22, beat 3-4: the duration of the two A notes is 3/8 + 1/8 respectively in Edition 1, while their duration is 1/4 + 1/4 in Edition 2.
Tenor, measure 25: in Edition 1 there are two notes, i.e., a 3/4 C (syllable “pe”) and a 1/4 C (syllable “tu”). In Edition 2 there are four notes: a 3/8 C (syllable “pe”); a 1/8 C (syllable “tu”); a 1/4 C (syllable “a”); a 1/4 B(b) (syllable “lu”).
Tenor, measure 26: in Edition 1 there are four notes, i.e., three consecutive 1/4 A’s (syllables “a”, “lu”, “ce”) followed by a 1/4 D (syllable “at”). In Edition 2 there are three notes: a 1/4 A (syllable “ce”); a 1/2 A (syllable “at”); a 1/4 D (continues syllable “at”).
No difference.
Soprano, measure 30: the duration of note B(b) is 1/2 in Edition 1, followed by a 1/2 rest, while in Edition 2 it is 3/4 followed by a 1/4 rest.
Agnus Dei
All voices, measure 84, beat 1-3: in Edition 1 the duration of the notes is 3/8 followed by a 1/8 rest, while in Edition 2 it is 1/4 followed by a 1/4 rest.
Libera me
Alto, measures 54 to 56: in Edition 1 all notes F are present, with different duration; such notes are A instead in Edition 2 (duration unchanged).
In Paradisum
Bass, measure 54: the last note in the measure (1/8) is A for B.II in Edition 1, while it is B in Edition 2.
(Source of historical information: Wikipedia)